'Meditation is a JOURNEY to home.'
Meditation is a daily practice that should be a part of all of our lives. There is no need to have a special talent or be a spiritual person to meditate. The field of meditation is open to everyone.
This training corrects common misconceptions about meditation and provides you with the key to simple practices that will allow you to incorporate meditation into your life. Designed for those who intend to meditate but do not know where to start or who think they cannot make time for meditation, this training will provide you with the tools to easily transform your life.
The training will last for 3 weeks with 2-hour meetings once a week.
During this process, students are in constant contact via WHATSAPP.
*What is meditation?
*What is the benefit of meditation?
*What is VOID?
*Meditation principles
*What happens in the meditation field?
*Law of Karma and Spiritual Cycle
*Going beyond karma and healing mechanics
*Vedanta's layers of life
*7 Dimensions of consciousness
*Wisdom of OM
*4 different meditation techniques
*A booklet containing the training notes
*Participation certificate
This training is an 8-week program created by Güliz B. UYSAL. While focusing on the 7 main chakras on the physical body step by step, it also works on spirituality and ancient wisdom in a way that covers many different teachings. This training has a deep and intense content that goes far beyond just knowledge. It is recommended following the Basic Meditation Training FROM COCOON TO HOME. This training, which is an introduction to the spiritual field, is ideal for anyone interested in the spiritual field but cannot decide where to start. This training, which covers many topics such as symbols, mythology, dimensions, astrology, mushrooms, mudras, etc., is designed to give you a brand new perspective and awareness.
The training will last for 8 weeks with 2-hour meetings once a week.
During this process, students are in constant contact via WHATSAPP.
*The relationship between chakras and dimensional wisdom
*The relationship between chakras and the 7 universal laws
*Detailed description of chakras
*Chakra location information and the relationship between chakras and body parts
*Chakra symbol meanings and chakra colors
*The symbolism of the chakras and their mythological sources
*Connections of chakras with astrology and ancient teachings
*Sounds and frequencies of the chakras
*Aromatherapy information related to chakras
*Natural stones that support the chakras
*Nutrition in line with the chakras
*Awareness of imbalances and blockages in the chakras
*Chakra mantras, mudras and meditations specific to chakras
*Chakra balancing methods
* Affirmation exercises to balance the chakras
*Special feeling downloads to each chakra (with theta healing technique)
*A booklet containing basic concepts about chakras
*Participation certificate
*Gift meditation work on extracorporeal chakras
*Pineal gland activation
This energy channel, conveyed to us by the Danish meditation master Ole Gabrielsen, is a powerful, effective and practical healing method.
This system, which works by activating the Kundalini energy, which is our basic life energy, can be easily applied in daily life.
During the training process, students gain channeling skills by receiving energetic initiations as well as explanations.
In this training consisting of three levels, the first level is a starting point for becoming a channel for healing. The second level allows you to open up to a more focused and powerful healing area. After completing these two level practices, the person becomes a master who teaches and initiates this technique with the Master level training.
It lasts for 3 weeks with 2-hour meetings once a week. Following the training, energy attunement is done by your trainer. During this process, students are in constant contact via WHATSAPP and do the necessary practices for the training with meetings organized through the group.
*Chakra and Kundalini Information
*Face-to-face healing for another person
*Distance healing
*Healing and clearing the energies of spaces
*Healing karmic bonds and relationships
*Condition and quality healing
*Initiating crystals or other objects as Reiki channels
*Diamond Reiki
*Crystal Reiki
*DNA Reiki
*Birth Trauma Reiki
*Balance Reiki
*Location Reiki
*Past Life Reiki
*Initiation (attunement) technique
*A booklet containing the notes of the training
*Master Level Certificate
Breath is the source of life and how we breathe shapes our lives.
Breathing correctly and in accordance with our system is the key to a much healthier and happier life, both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our breathing quality may decrease over time due to stress, various illnesses or habits, but it is possible to increase our breathing capacity at every stage. However, it is very easy to balance our body and emotions in different situations with different breathing techniques. This training aims to teach you correct and effective breathing techniques and ensure that you have a more comfortable experience in the flow of your life.
It lasts for 5 weeks with 3-hour meetings once a week. Following the training, weekly practices sre offered to the students by the instructor. During this process, students are in constant contact via WHATSAPP and do the necessary practices for the training with meetings organized through the group.
In order for students to complete the training, they must make 3 breath flow edits and share their recordings with the instructor.
*Breathing and respiratory system
*Nervous system and hormones
*Practices for decent breathing
*Vagus awareness
*Benefits of correct breathing
*13 different breathing techniques
*Awareness of the diaphragm and
diaphragm strengthening techniques
*Meditation and breath flow
*Body scanning by breath
*Methods of creating flow to make breathing therapy
*A booklet containing the notes of the training
*Participation Certificate